Many principal colleagues recommended this book to me. They were spot on! If you’re looking to unify your school staff, stop the “blame game,” and shift the focus to what we can control ~ then this is the book.
65 copies purchased…our staff read it together over the course of 3 months and it was a GAME CHANGER for our students & our learning outcomes. Five Stars!
Hacking School Discipline
When we considered shifting into restorative practices at our school, this was our Starting Place. Our leadership team read it together over several months and continue to go back to it as reference.
Awesome learning if you want to improve the “how” and “why” of your school’s discipline model. It will make you think and question with your heart!
Move Your Bus
Ron Clark: need I say more!? This outstanding NYT Best-Selling author is at it again!
This book was a quick read and seriously school culture-changing. It’s a great book to read as an entire staff ~ dialogues will be rich and outcomes will multiply! Our students need us to read this book to improve schools.
What Do You Do With an Idea?
A children’s book!? Wait ~ here me out. This book is one of the most profound reads you can bring to your school. Short – sweet – powerful.
After our school started to gel as a “We” building, it was time to dream! This quick read (circulated from teammate to teammate over 2 weeks) inspired great ideas and so much buy-in! It also makes a great gift for retirees who are dreaming of their next chapter!
The Four Disciplines of Execution
If your team is serious about setting clear goals and actually achieving them, then this is the place to start.
This provides clear directions on how to set achievable goals, make the progress visible, and builds personal accountability among teachers (to eliminate a culture of “the principal says we have to”).